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Saturday, September 22, 2012

First time Leaving our baby with a SITTER....

On Thursday our home teacher Isaac Ipson offered to watch Asher so we could go out on a hot date together.. He has a very cute one year old son Trenton so I knew he came with great experience...

 There are A LOT of mixed feelings when you leave your little one for the first time. You worry that he might be to fussy...or that he might make the sitter stand the whole time holding him (which Asher did)...  if there is going to be enough milk in the fridge for how long your going to be gone... With all this you have anxiety of just leaving him... Do we wanna leave him.. is to early to leave him... should we just stay home and cancel our plans... I kept thinking this the whole day before... but I TOUGHENED up got all dressed up and awaited for the becoming hour...
... for our first night of freedom we decided to go grab something to eat at the famous STEAK N SHAKE, catch a flick, and get a treat after... you know the classic dinner and a movie date.. we figured this would be a good idea because you can't take a baby to a movie...

 we actually were running late so we did the drive thru and sneaked the food into the theater.. It was kinda fun sneaking it in and eating the grub inside the theater... we went and saw BATMAN RISES... It was AMAZING... I know its not a hot flick anymore but we really enjoyed it! Then we went and got some yogurt ice cream and called it night.. here are some pics....

 Thanks Isaac it was great to be just us for one night.

and It was great to come back to this.... LOVE you Asher!

1 comment:

  1. You Survived!!! and so did Asher...!
    Can't wait to kiss those cheeks!
    A Grandma's delight!
